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Recruiting a Top Producer Who Can Integrate Seamlessly

When you hire, do you look specifically for a skilled, engaged individual who is passionate about his or her career and has been successful working in risk management and decision analytics? These individuals who possess highly-sought-after traits are elusive and can be challenging to find and engage in conversation.

These passive employment prospects are usually happy with their current position and organization. Most are high achievers in their field working for one of your competitors. These, of course, are the traits that make them prime candidates to fill a void in your roster.

How do you Spot a Passive Prospect?

Look at the social media profiles of individuals you may want to attract to your organization. If their profiles are out-of-date, they probably aren’t seeking employment. They may list their current employer but haven’t updated things such as recent accomplishments or accolades. They usually don’t return calls from recruiters since they aren’t actively seeking new employment.

If a passive prospect engages in conversation over the phone, at a networking event or a conference, it’s important to take advantage of the opportunity for interaction.

Your time will probably be limited, so it’s wise to be focused. Ask about their responsibilities and the challenges, frustrations and culture at their workplace. You can easily counter any negative remarks by highlighting opportunities and the culture of your organization. Ambitious and accomplished individuals are usually interested in hearing about new opportunities, even if they aren’t actively seeking new employment.

The establishment of an evergreen job program can be beneficial. “Over-hiring” in specific areas to create a talent surplus for critical positions is a popular trend. An evergreen program enables you to maximize opportunities to recruit top talent at any time. This is especially important for risk and analytical services providers as the competition for top sales and sales leadership is at an all time high. If a prospect engages in conversation and demonstrates an interest in your organization, you will always have a position ready for them.

Learning how to spot and engage passive prospects will help you attract the best man or woman for the job.


Nation's Executive Search Group is sought out by leaders in Enterprise Risk Management, Marketing Services and Decision Analytics for mission critical sales and marketing leadership talent.

For more information, email or call Rob at 410.827.0180,


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