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How to Avoid a Bad Hire | Part Two

Throughout this series, we discussed some of the most common mistakes that can contribute to a poor hiring choice. First, we discussed the need to include exit interviews with departing employees to gather insight into why the person is leaving. We found it best to ask two questions: Was it a simple problem of performance or was it something the company could have done to help avoid the turnover?

Second, we covered the need to have interviewers who were trained on the interview process and understood how to ask the proper questions and make the important observations. Thirdly, the subject of bias was discussed. All of us have certain subconscious factors that can bias a hiring decision. The solution is to have a tiered interview process where a range of observations are collected, and a consensus is developed. Fourth, in our last article, we talked about the idea of not making promises or overselling the benefits of the company. In this final article, we will talk about the timing of making the actual hiring decision.

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The hiring procedure should have a pace to it. Once a candidate enters the hiring process, the entire process should be just long enough to be thorough yet presented with some sense of urgency. Indeed, if the right fit has not been found, then candidates should be notified and formally thanked for their interest in the opportunity. The search, however, continues.

When the right match has been found, the decision should be apparent at the end of the process. As there is always the possibility that a candidate is also interviewing with other companies. Once the hiring procedure has been completed, the candidate should be advised as soon as possible, letting them know that they have been selected with a request for their timely response.

If the candidate turns down the offer, the reason why should be pursued. What made the candidate choose a competitor? What observations about the company and the hiring process may have had an influence on the rejection?

Sometimes, a strong candidate may play one offer against the other, and if the candidate is seen as worthy of extra consideration, there should be a process in place to help make that decision in a timely fashion.

After the hiring has been accepted, the transition to the onboarding process should be discussed with the new hire before the formal letter of employment is signed by both new hire and the company.

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